Planning Services

Planning Application

We provide assistance to clients on all types of planning applications to achieve planning permission. This typically involves the project management of the planning application. This includes sourcing of appropriate and cost efficient drawings, the co-ordination of the project team including liaison with the client, the preparation of all required paperwork, negotiations with planning officials (pre-planning meetings) and the preparation of a planning consultants report (Planning Statement) to support the development proposal. This report serves to demonstrate how the planning application is compliant with legislative and planning policy requirements with a view to securing planning permission. Responses are made to Further Information requests and clarification requests where required. In addition, our available skill set provides a valuable support service to engineers and architects

Planning Appeals

Enviroplan Consulting Limited has extensive experience with Appeals to An Bord Pleanála. This has culminated in a proven track record and the achievement of a high success rate on behalf of clients. Each appeal is researched thoroughly and a detailed and compelling case is made to the Board in each instance. Appeal work can take many forms and can include:

  • A First party appeal against a decision to refuse planning permission by the planning authority,
  • A First party appeal against conditions imposed on a planning permission by the planning authority e.g. terms of Development Contributions,
  • A Third party appeal against a decision by the planning authority to grant planning permission,
  • A Third party appeal against conditions imposed by the planning authority.
  • Other Appeal work can include responses to appeals, an application for Leave to Appeal, Observations, referrals of declarations (exempted development), representation at Oral Hearings and Strategic Infrastructure negotiations with Board officials.
    EIA and AA determinations


Situations can arise where an individual or business runs the risk of being adversely affected by a proposed development. This office can assist clients where there are substantive grounds to object, e.g. potential traffic hazard, adverse impact on residential amenity, non-compliance with planning standards or loss of light. In these circumstances, we are available to prepare comprehensive submissions so that the valid concerns of the client can be clearly assessed by the planning authority.

Visual Impact Assessments

Visual Impact Assessment or VIA is an important design tool which demonstrates the likely visual impact of a development proposal. It involves the preparation of detailed photomontage(s) together with a professional assessment of the visual impact. VIA has the potential to reduce, avoid or remedy any likely significant impacts and is becoming an integral part of planning and decision making process. VIA can form a subset of Environmental Impact Assessment. VIA often includes recommendations for suitable mitigation measures, where appropriate, to assimilate the development proposal into its environment. This office has prepared a number of successful VIA’s in partnership with “3DGraphichouse” for a range of development proposals. All photomontages are highly accurate and photo-realistic and more than satisfy the requirements of the Planning Authority

Briarhill Image Paul Dillon Architects


This office prepares comprehensive, concise and convincing submissions to Development Plans and Local Area Plans. Extensive experience has been gathered in both the formulation of Statutory Plans on behalf of Local Authorities, as well as the preparation of submissions on behalf of landowners and Community Organisations. A well prepared submission can assist planning officials and councillors to have appropriate regard to the views of the wider public. This service helps to deliver an effective public consultation process.

Zoning Image

Section 5 applications

This office is often engaged to provide opinions and to prepare “Section 5” applications to confirm as to whether certain uses/ developments can be considered exempted development.

Linguistic Impact Assessment

A Language Impact Statement is a report that assesses the likely impact of a significant development proposal on the usage of Irish within the Gaeltacht area. Permission will only be granted where the Authority is satisfied that the effect of the development will be beneficial to the usage of the language in the area. This office has experience in the preparation of Linguistic Impact Statements as part of development proposals.

Protected Structures

Under the planning system many minor works to buildings and structures do not normally require planning permission. These works are known as exempted developments. However, for a protected structure (listed building) such works can only be carried out without planning permission if the works would not affect the character of the structure that contributes to its special interest. This office, in consultation with the local authority, has successfully used the ‘Section 5 Declaration’ process to allow a variety of works to proceed without the requirement for planning permission. Where planning permission is required, this office has demonstrated its expertise and resources to successfully guide ‘protected structure’ projects through the planning process.


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